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UFC in Jaragua Do Sul

UFC in Jaraguá do Sul.

The 16th till 18th of may BroadcastBrazil was in Jaraguá do Sul in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, at the UFC event.
This big fighting event was held in Arena Jaraguá.

We met with
Peter Addams, the Audio Mixer of this UFC show, fortunately we had the chance to ask him some questions and check out his workplace after the show.


BB: So Peter, please tell us what is your function, and what does it include
Peter: “I am a Broadcast Show Mixer, Senior Audio. Lead of the audio department and I mix the television show. Also I plan the set up and co-ordinate all equipment with the Technical Manager”.

BB: How many years are you on UFC 
Peter: “My first UFC event was in February 2003 so that makes a total of 10 years already”.

BB: What is the best part of the UFC events 
Peter: “That's easy - our Audio crew. We have a core group of A2's that are very talented, hard working and don't whine (too much). They complement one another and work well together. Though each is a specialist they will go into each other's areas as needed”.


BB: What is the difference of Brazil and other countries at UFC events 
Peter: “From my perspective? In the USA we are familiar with the mobile units we use. Though the mobile unit in Brazil was a joint venture between American based NEP and Brazilian based Casablanca, it was different than most of the mobile units we would use in the USA. This manifested itself in capacity and accessibility. We had fewer powered intercom channels than we usually do, couldn't access as many ports in the intercom system, the desk was only 48 faders instead of the usual 64 or even up to 144 on the surface as in USA. This is typical when we go overseas. In Europe we often use UK mobile units, other countries might involve a "fly pack." The challenge is to provide all the technical elements of our show regardless of the facilities we are using”.


BB: How is communication in Brazil Challenging
Peter: “As I don't speak Portuguese. In the work environment I was really only dealing with English speakers so it wasn't a problem”.

BB: What are the good and bad parts of Brazil
Peter: “As event host nothing that effected me aside from the catering”.


BB: Does the latin culture influence the way of working 
Peter: “In my line of work this does not influence me”.

BB: Any specific technical difficulties this last UFC, and if so, these were due to what exactly
Peter:  “It was the first time we used the mobile unit, that's always a challenge. Fortunately NEP sent Nick Romano and others who had done our show before on other mobile units”.


BB: Any good advice for the Brazilians in this area
Peter: “Obviously if you're working with USA television personnel, who tend not to master any other language aside from their own, English fluency is an asset. Also, understanding the urgency and immediacy that characterizes American television is important”.


BB: And of course, do you have other interesting notes to share from last UFC event
Peter: “Due to big distances in Brazil, having the hour long bus ride to and from work makes a long day even longer.
The Hotel bar could've been open later and been more interesting. And why no Gin & Tonic? :)”

So we hope this is, besides, fun to read, also a good help and insight information about foreign broadcast events held in Brazil and what the future may hold".

More photo's available on our Broadcast Brazil Facebook page, you can find them
Like us if you want ;)
And see our former blogposts about the UFC event held in
Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte.



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