Justinas | Vencius | StonedKeyframe | bliuska@gmail.com |
- Type:Production
- Specialty:Motion Graphics Video F/X 3D modeling & animation Compositing TV commercials Explanation videos Video presentations Intro animations
- Equipment list:-
- Language:Lithuanian, English , Russian
- Website:http://www.behance.net/bliuska/frame/All
- City:Kaunas
- Country:Lithuania
- Phone:+37068745980
Kate | Whelan | Kate Whelan | mail@katewhelan.co.uk |
- Type:Audio engineer ENG
- Specialty:I provide professional VOICEOVER recordings for all tv and radio commercials, corporate narrations for expos/conferences, website audio narrations, animations/computing and E-Learning programmes.
- Equipment list:Neumann TLM-103 MicrophoneVoicemaster Pro Voice ProcessorMackie 1403 mixing deskAudio TX ISDN codec for live sessions ( Skype sessions are also available)Adobe Audition for Mac Editing Software
- Language:English - Portuguese - Spanish
- Website:http://www.katewhelan.co.uk
- City:London & Manchester
- Country:United Kingdom
- Phone:+447887875243
Kim | Kelly | Pilat Media | pilatmedia@gmail.com |
- Type:Broadcast company
- Specialty:Integrated Broadcast Management System, content programming, advertising sales, media operations, financial control, traffic, IBMS MediaPro
- Equipment list:Integrated Broadcast Management System, content programming, advertising sales, media operations, financial control, traffic, IBMS MediaPro
- Language:Multinational team that speak all languages
- Website:http://www.pilatmedia.com/
- City:London
- Country:United Kingdom
- Phone:+442087820700
LÃdia | Oyo | Oficina de Produção | lidiasoyo@gmail.com |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:Communication, Production, Cultural management
- Equipment list:Macbooks Pro - Ilumination equipment - Professional photographic camera nikon, canon 5D video camera, computer mac pro, iphone, ipad, tripod light, spot light, boom microphone, lens
- Language:Português - Spanish -English - French
- Website:
- City:BrasÃlia
- Country:Brasil
- Phone:+556181818256
Laird A | Salmon | 5 Star Film Co.Ltd | mercurienzxzxz@yahoo.com |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:We are a Film Production Company currently undergoing transition to a TV station. There are 2014 vacancies for Broadcasting Engineers & Technicians & a Producer. One of Our relevant forecast Productions,called \"World Class Acts\" features World Music,and Brazil is highlighted on Our list of Performing Arts Cultures to debut on European Television. Appropriate advocates & contactees from this site are most welcome to contact.
- Equipment list:International Promotion,Contracts,Live Broadcasts. Production Crew hire.
- Language:English
- Website:http://www.5-star-film-co-international.com
- City:Fownhope
- Country:United Kingdom
- Phone:+4401432860094
Lazar | Zivanac | Vilenjak Studio | lazar.zivanac@gmail.com |
- Type:Audio engineer EFP
- Specialty:Sound recording
- Equipment list:Neumann U87, KMR 82i, sennheiser MKH 416t, Edirol r-44, Lectrosonics wireless 4 channels, lots of field recording equipment
- Language:English, Serbian
- Website:
- City:Novi Sad
- Country:Serbia
- Phone:+381638174637
Leendert | Bentschap Knook | ELBENK COM B.V. | info@elbenk.nl |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:IPTV channels European satellite providers subscriptions
- Equipment list:Roku PlayerMag250
- Language:English - Dutch - German - Portuguese
- Website:http://www.iptvspecialist.com
- City:Lelystad
- Country:Holland
- Phone:+31320213130
Leonardo | Venzon | | leonardovenzon@hotmail.com |
- Type:Cameraman
- Specialty:Cameraman ENG - EFP - Studio , Director of Photography , knowledge of lighting and lighting equipment.
- Equipment list:-
- Language:English - Portuguese
- Website:
- City:Rio de Janeiro
- Country:Brazil
- Phone:+552182269744
Liana | Farias Carneiro de Sá | Oficina de produção | liana.f@hotmail.com |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:Journalist, Artist & Cultural producer.
- Equipment list:Professional photographic camera nikon, canon 5D video camera, computer macbook, iphone, iphad, tripod light, spot light, hs external microphone boom, Lenses.
- Language:Portuguese - Spanish - English
- Website:http://www.lianaefe.blogspot.com
- City:BrasÃlia
- Country:Brasil
- Phone:+556132744605
Luciana | Belo | Cubox Films | lucianabelo_@hotmail.com |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:Original Fiction Content for TV, web and MobileScript Writing, Video Production, Editing, Post Production, and Color.
- Equipment list:
- Language:Portuguese - English - Spanish
- Website:http://www.cuboxfilms.com
- City:São Paulo
- Country:Brazil
- Phone:+5511997488379
Luciano | Xavier | JLX Produções | luzciano.xavier@gmail.com |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:Everything related to Pro-light , SHOWS, EVENTOS, DRAMATURGIA, TEATRO E CINEMA
- Equipment list:-
- Language:English (basic) - Portuguease
- Website:
- City:Rio de Janeiro
- Country:Brasil
- Phone:+552178378014
Luciano | Belluzzo | CARTONI | luciano.belluzzo@cartoni.com |
- Type:Broadcast company
- Specialty:Cartoni is a manufacturer of camera support systems, like tripods, fluid heads and pedestals.Our factory is located in Rome, Italy and it's controlled by the Cartoni family since 1962.Cartoni is the only European camera support manufacturer and the factory has achieved since 2014 ISO 9001 quality assurance system certification.www.cartoni,com
- Equipment list:Fluid heads with payload ranging from 8 to 95 kg.Pedestals ranging from 25 to 95 kgTripods in Alu of CF from 40 to 350 kg payload.All products are designed, manufactured and assembled in Cartoni Rome factory
- Language:English. French, German and Spanish. Italian of course
- Website:https://www.cartoni.com
- City:Rome
- Country:Italy
- Phone:+39 335 532.71.08
Luiz Claudio | Lopes | Luiz Claudio Lopes ME | luizclaudio.lopes@gmail.com |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:Roteirista / Writer
- Equipment list:My brain
- Language:Portugues
- Website:
- City:Juiz de Fora
- Country:Brasil
- Phone:+553284839658
Mônica | Antiorio | Studio M13 | m.antiorio@terra.com.br |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:Motion Designer Generalist 3D
- Equipment list:
- Language:English - Italian, fluent - - French, basic
- Website:
- City:São Paulo
- Country:Brazil
- Phone:+551136419764
MaÃra | Watanabe | Freelance Journalist Video Producer | |
- Type:Production company
- Specialty:Journalism Production
- Equipment list:none
- Language:English - Portuguese
- Website:http://www.mairawatanabe.blogspot.com
- City:São Paulo
- Country:Brasil
- Phone:
Marcia | Kozlowski | Freelancer | marciawk7@gmail.com |
- Type:Broadcast company
- Specialty:Presenter, journalist
- Equipment list:-
- Language:Portuguese - English - Spanish
- Website:http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=WUdPCHVSaTo&feature=email
- City:São Paulo
- Country:Brazil
- Phone:+5511999324194
Marcia | Reverdosa | Casablanca Online | marcia@casablancaonline.com.br |
- Type:Broadcast company
- Specialty:Live transmission
- Equipment list:SNG HD/SD
- Language:English -Spanish - Portuguese
- Website:
- City:São Paulo
- Country:Brazil
- Phone:+5511991176973
Marcio | Salim | Lucma Video Produções Ltda. | marciosalim@me.com |
- Type:Cameraman
- Specialty:Cameraman , Steadicam Operator , Fine Art Photographer;
- Equipment list:For shooting: DSLR Canon 5 D - Mark II;Lenseses: 70-200 L / 15-35 / MacroFlash: 600 EX-RT / 270 EX-RT
- Language:English - Portuguese - Spanish Intermediary
- Website:
- City:Rio de Janeiro
- Country:Brazil
- Phone:+5521999931267
Marcio | Oliveira | | marciovsbo@gmail.com |
- Type:Video Editor
- Specialty:Video Editor
- Equipment list:
- Language:Português
- Website:https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcio-oliveira-555560113
- City:Rio de Janeiro
- Country:Brasil
- Phone:+5521986851983
Marcos | Hirose | CNT Brasil | betodovolei@hotmail.com |
- Type:Broadcast company
- Equipment list:Câmeras e tranmissões
- Language:Portuguese - English
- Website:https://www.cntbrasil.com.br
- City:São Paulo
- Country:Brazil
- Phone:+551178872434